
Fotografia Frank Romero (frankxx Resident)
Streaming from the beautiful state of California in the United States, Rafaela brings you a variety of music to soothe your soul.
Transmitiendo desde el hermoso estado de California, Rafaela le trae una variedad de música para calmar su alma.
From sultry songs that set an intimate mood to high energy fun songs.
Her voice, often referred to as "Beautiful, sweet and smooth", Rafaela can deliver your classic love songs and jazz from artists like Sade, Nat King Cole, Natalie Cole, but also loves to growl her way through rock and roll favorites, in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
Her sensuality will bring you a lot of emotions but what impacts the audience is the powerful voice she has.
Graduated for the USC, University on Southern California in Performing Arts, Rafaela started her artistic career in 1980 as part of a teenager chorus at her local church, and there was where she discovers that singing is what she wants to do .
Through the years she got trained with prestige people in the music industry as vocal teachers.
She formed her own band where she was the vocalist, the band played all over Southern California on special events and private parties for almost 10 years.
She participated in some contests where she won a few first places.
As she moved to the United States from her home town Mexico, she decided to go further and enrolled herself in USC University of Souther California, where she got a diploma as she was part of the Performing Arts Organization "Theater Americana" where she was one of the main vocalists, going all around southern California and part of Nevada and Arizona presenting plays such as "The Lion King", "Wicked",, "Cats' etc,
She also entered the acting world combining it with her singing career.
Rafaela was born on SL on August 2014, starting immediately to do what has been her live for so many years, being Rafaela the Singer.
Su voz ha sido descrita como "deliciosamente romantica"
Rafaela le puede deleitar con hermosas canciones de amor, asi como Salsa, Merengue, Rock, Disco incluso Regional Mexicana en Ingles, Español, Francés e Italiano.
La sensualidad de Rafaela le traerá un sinfín de emociones a su publico pero lo que mas impactara a la audiencia es su potencial vocal.
Graduada de la Universidad del sur de California en Performing Arts Rafaela comenzó su carrera artística en 1980 como parte de un coro de adolescentes, donde descubrió su vocación por el canto.
Al paso de los años realizo entrenamiento con diferente prestigiados maestros vocales y formo su propio grupo musical siendo la única vocalista.
El grupo musical tuvo presentaciones en eventos especiales y privados durante casi 10 anos.
Rafaela incursiono en concursos de canto ganando varios primeros lugares.
Al mudarse a los Estados Unidos de su natal México decidió tomar mas enserio la carrera artística y se prepara obteniendo su diploma en la Universidad del Sur de California USC, mientras tanto participo en un grupo musical y de teatro "Theater Americana" siendo una de las vocalistas principales presentando show tales como Cats, Lion King, Wicked, etc.
Rafaela incursiono en la actuación y combinándolo con el canto.
Rafaela nació en SL en Agosto de 2014 incursionando de inmediato en lo que ha sido su vida siempre, el canto, después de algunos problemas técnicos logro por fin echar a andar lo que hoy es Rafaela Inc.